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Reverse Cell Phone Lookup - How to do free reverse cell phone number lookups and results of paid reverse cell phone lookup services.

In this article I will show you how you can do reverse phone lookups, whether the phone number is a landline phone number, a cell phone number, a non published phone number, or an unlisted phone number.

There are a variety of ways you can look up any phone number. If you have a phone number and you want to see who owns the phone number or find out more information related to that phone number in any way, shape, or form, one free way you can do a phone lookup is to go to google and type in the phone number in several different ways.

Let's say for our example the phone number is 555-555-5555.

Keep in mind that for all your search results you want to place the following string in your search...  -reverse -lookup -results

The reason for this is when you do a phone number lookup using Google there are tons of garbage results of reverse phone lookup services trying to entice you so without this search string you'll get a lot of irrelevant results of websites selling reverse lookup phone services. And the point of this article is how you can do it for free if possible.

   1. The first way to do a reverse cell phone lookup for free on Google is to type in that phone number exactly this way...  555-555-5555 -reverse -lookup -results


   2. There is a pretty good chance it will produce too many results or in a lot of non-relevant results. If this turns out to be the case then do the search for that phone number surrounded by quotes... "555-555-5555" -reverse -lookup -results


   3. To further narrow and refine your results type in the phone number surrounded by brackets...[555-555-5555] -reverse -lookup -results


   4. If that still does not produce the desired results then do the reverse phone lookup on Google like so...phonebook:555-555-5555 -reverse -lookup -results

Now keep in mind when you are using the above methods to look up a phone number you are not actually accessing any sort of databases of non-published or unlisted or cell phone numbers.

Remember Google stores every single website that exists on the Internet. So when you are doing the searches Google searches its own database for results. So using any of the above methods for doing a phone number lookup will pull up any results on web pages where that phone number is entered. This can still be quite powerful however as Google indexes billions of webpages and you would be very surprised at what you will pull up as far as information related to that phone number.

If all these methods fail to produce the results you want you could always do a search at a professional reverse cell phone lookup website. The good ones are usually not very expensive maybe $40 or so for an entire year and the ability to look up an unlimited number of names and phone numbers. In addition any decent ones, at least anyone's I might mention here in this article will be backed by a guarantee that if they don't find the information you are looking for you don't get charged or you can cancel your membership and get a refund back. The reverse phone lookup service that I have been a member of for a couple of years now and have had some very decent results is Phone Call Trace. Results include name, current address, carrier, location details and public records as well as satellite imagery of the person's location.

The one good thing about a professional reverse phone lookup service is the information they are going to have in their database is going to be much more recent and much more accurate than any free phone number lookup service could possibly have.

Another method you could try to find someone is there is actually a brand-new website called Spokeo. This website does a specialized search of about 25 or 30 social networking websites. There are several different ways you can use this to do a search for somebody. The most effective way to use Spokeo is enter a person's username. For example most people when creating profiles on sites use the same or a very similar username for many different sites. For example I use the same username for myspace, twitter, etc. so if you know the person well enough to know a username they may be using you could pull up a lot of information this way.

One last thing I want to mention here although not directly related to phone number lookup and reverse cell phone lookup services is a caller ID spoofing service. What this service does is for a small subscription fee is it allows you to make phone calls from any phone and make the person you are calling see any name and any phone number on their caller ID that you want. You call someone from your phone, and the person's caller ID displays a number that YOU intend them to see. Your privacy is protected. I am actually a member of this service as well and the power of this service is pretty incredible. I have used this service to get information from people by spoofing their caller ID so they see the name and telephone number of their local police department. When people think it's the cops you'd be amazed at the information they would reveal to you. I am certainly not suggesting you use the caller ID spoofing service for this purpose as technically this is illegal but the point I'm trying to make is the content of this entire article is about finding information about people. So using the caller ID spoofing service to extract information is only limited by the powers of your imagination.

The way this service works is very simple; you pay for so many minutes of phone time. For example 60 minutes of caller ID spoof time costs six dollars. Any time you want to spoof a caller ID name and number you call the 800 number for the caller ID spoofing service. You will then be voice prompted to enter the phone number you wish to call followed by the phone number you want their caller ID to say. (Keep in mind who ever that phone number belongs to their caller ID will also show that person or business's name as well.) You are then immediately connected to the phone number and their caller ID is spoofed to show the name and number you specified. The service also allows you to manipulate your voice so the person on the other end can't recognize your voice. You're also able to record the conversation which is saved to the caller ID spoofing services database which you can access and listen to it any time.


You might find advertisements of free phone lookups on the internet and when you go to the site that offers phone lookup, you'd find that the site offers reverse lookup of only landline numbers and not unlisted or cell phone numbers.

And you might wonder why there are no free lookup directories for mobiles while there are many directories for lookup of landline numbers. Landline number lookups are free because these numbers are always there in the public domain and it's easy to take the data and organize it and put it in a website. It's not a lot of work to get landline numbers as there is not a lot of privacy in landline numbers.

Reverse Phone Lookup

Click to Get Best Reverse Cell Phone Lookup Service

To actually find information about cell phone numbers, you should use reverse phone lookup directories. Reverse Cell Phone lookup directories are actually created by large companies who actually get the information from various sources. It is very difficult and a time consuming process to collect, compile and create a huge database with information of various numbers. That's the reason why these lookup services charge you a fee while the landline lookup directories give away free lookups.

However, there are a few cell phone lookup directories but they just offer the basic information like the location, carrier and not the name or any other details about the person. And in the end, this service would only aid you in finding whether the number is landline or cell, the mobile service provider, city and state. Those are the only facts offered for free.

But to get the name, address of the person you should pay. There are loads of sites on the internet that offer phone lookups but each of them varies in the services offered. If you end up choosing the wrong one, then you might be wasting your cash. There are services that claim to have loads of numbers in the database and will let you search through them when you pay. But once you join, you'll find that the database has lot of outdated information and you won't get your money back.

Click to Get Best Reverse Cell Phone Lookup Service

The best sites are the ones that let you lookup first and then if the number is found offer a sample report that you find with free cell phone lookup directories. After that, it's your decision whether to go ahead and get a subscription to find the number or not.

The phone lookup service I use actually lets you lookup the number and if you find the number offers a free sample report for that number. If you pay, you get a full detailed report with background information about friends, family, previous and current address. So you should choose the right service so that you don't lose any of your money.

The Phone Lookup Service I use is Reverse Phone Detective. It helped me find my high school sweetheart and an old friend of mine. It helped my friend find out whether his girlfriend was seeing some one or not.

Reverse Phone Detective is the only one of its kind. It lets you to:

1) Search the Phone Number You Want

2) Find Their Name, Address And Location

3) Your Information Is Always Kept 100% Confidential